Thursday, January 17, 2008

Staying Busy

Life continues to be hectic around here. Between doctor's appointments, work for both of us and keeping Zeke going, not a whole lot of time for other things. Our little girl will be here on May 3rd. We've decided to call her Anna Kate. And we'll use both names. I'm still a little nervous but just like with Zeke, as I get closer I get a little less nervous and a little more excited. If you have a chance, I've been doing a few cover songs ( mostly country) on YouTube which are shown on the side of the page. Just click on one of the videos to here them or to go to the YouTube page. I do apologize in advance for the guitar playing , it's not quite Grand Ole Opry ready but it's not like I'm getting paid. If you have any requests just comment here or there and I'll try to get them up pretty quick. Hope to see you all soon!