Today is the 7
th anniversary of the worst act in American history. I am a bit appalled that one of the major networks, NBC, chose NOT to air the ceremony that all the other major networks aired. They instead carried it on
MSNBC, a station only cable subscribers can receive. The piece they were airing was about how to raise boys. Poor choice. I would dare say Anti-American. Maybe the rumors of a buyout of GE Appliances from China is true. Maybe some of that communist blood is seeping its way into the television
markets. I know it's a jump but you really have to ask yourself, WHY?

Anger aside, it is important that regardless of our political views, we need to thank the men and women who serve us, the Americans, in defense of our country. It is important that we realize in servitude, they go where they are told. They are truly servants. The staff sergeant doesn't get to choose whether or not to go to Iraq; he is told to go. These true heroes deserve our thanks and appreciation. The ability to choose not to fight here, is given by those who do fight in protection of that idea.
To my brother Lance, thank you for all you do. Come home safe. We love you.